John Bezold

Oud Holland Reviews


Oud Holland Reviews is part of the digital publication serving as the globally accessible outlet of Oud Holland, which is the longest-surviving art-historical journal in the world and was founded in 1883. Since 1972, it has been funded by the RKD in The Hague (the Netherlands Institute for Art History), and is devoted to the visual arts of the Low Countries, from 1400 to the early-twentieth-century. During 2019 the journal established its online presence in the form of a website that includes news items related to the field, an archive of all print editions, and a section devoted to book and exhibition reviews: Oud Holland Reviews. The website’s review section publishes about four times a year–seasonally–with approximately four-to-six reviews debuting every season, with each critiquing the latest scholarly publications on, predominantly Flemish and Dutch art–from drawings, to stained-glass windows, to paintings. Reviews are published in English so as to reach the largest possible audience. Given the nature of this specialized field within art history, frequently occurring topics include: Rembrandt and his pupils, still lifes, the many Brueghel family members, art as it relates to Europe’s colonial–as Japan, Brazil, and India–history, the increasing visibility of the long-overlooked role of women and their lives as artists and art patrons, collecting history, and art theory. Since its initiation in 2019, over 60 academic book and exhibition reviews have been published.

Read the latest book and exhibition reviews at Oud Holland Reviews.

  • Role: Review Editor
  • Publisher: Brill, Leiden
  • Pages: Unlimited
  • Size: 80 × 52.5 cm
  • ISBN: 1875-0176